Currently, we face new risks in the field of computer security, such as human errors and various forms of attacks like malware, exploits, and APTs (Advanced Persistent Threats). These challenges require strengthening the protection of users.

The EDR tool represents an evolution compared to conventional antivirus software. Explore how this solution positions itself at the next level in the defense against digital threats. Keep reading to learn more about this tool and witness its evolution!

What is EDR and what are its main functions:

Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) is an essential tool in cybersecurity. Its main functions include:
  • Providing Visibility
  • Delivering Effective Responses to Sophisticated Threats

Key Features of EDR:

  • Detection: Use artificial intelligence to reduce identification errors, allowing teams to focus on essential tasks rather than dealing with a large volume of alerts.
  • Containment: Enables advanced threat blocking and manages real-time attacks, providing active protection during execution.
  • Investigation: Ensures a swift response to cyber incidents, enabling companies to quickly halt an attack and resume operations as soon as possible.
  • Remediation: Performs a thorough repair of the affected device to restore it to its pre-infection state, ensuring complete recovery.

Differences between EDR and EPP:

This approach aims to adapt to new security challenges, addressing both technological threats and human factors. It emerges as a key trend to ensure the integrity and protection of computer systems.

While EPP focuses on preventing known threats, EDR continuously monitors and analyzes the endpoint and network to identify, detect, and prevent advanced threats.

EPP solutions that integrate EDR functionalities:

With the evolution of the market, EPP solutions have integrated EDR functionalities for comprehensive protection.

  • EDR employs techniques such as machine learning, sandboxing, and alerts based on indicators of compromise for effective detection. 
  •  Its capability for containment, investigation, and swift elimination enhances endpoint security, anticipating attacks, reducing exposure time, and providing comprehensive threat visibility.
Are you looking to enhance the cybersecurity of your company or office?
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